Applying insights from the Seshat: Global History Databank—our edited volume reveals that there was no single “Axial Age” in human history.
Instead, it points to cross-cultural parallels in the co-evolution of egalitarian ideals and constraints on political authority with sociopolitical complexity.The first book-length publication to make use of Seshat’s systematic approach to collecting information about the human past, The Seshat History of the Axial Age expands the Axial Age debate beyond first-millennium BCE Eurasia. Fourteen chapters survey earlier and later periods as well as developments in regions previously neglected in Axial Age discussions. The conclusion? There was no identifiable Axial Age confined to a few Eurasian hotspots in the last millennium BCE. However, “axiality” as a cluster of traits emerged time and again whenever societies reached a certain threshold of scale and level of complexity. Learn more here.

Hoyer, Daniel, and Jenny Reddish, eds. 2019. Seshat History of the Axial Age. Beresta Books.
Series: Seshat Histories (Book 1)
Paperback: 520 pages
Publisher: Beresta Books (December 8, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0996139567
ISBN-13: 978-0996139564
Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 1.2 x 9.6 inches
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