
View Seshat Data

About Seshat Data

The Seshat team makes our data publicly available in three different ways.

First, we deposit in open access all data on which analyses are based at the time of publication of the article that reports these analyses. These “replication datasets” are published as downloadable spreadsheets. In many cases we post preprints of articles on SocArXiv accompanied by the data and analysis scripts.

Second, we periodically publish “snapshots” of the Seshat Databank for well-curated variables and polities. The current such data release is Equinox2020, which presents data in both browsable format and through a spreadsheet. Whereas the spreadsheet contains data in computer-readable form suitable for statistical analyses, Seshat Data Browser also includes narrative paragraphs, explaining the codes, as well as references.

Equinox-2020 is forward looking and brings together all data upon which the next series of forthcoming publications is based. This approach allows our collaborators and other domain experts to browse our data and suggest improvements.

Third, we are in the process of constructing a triple store that will house the Seshat data. Once this process is completed, we will make our data available in the RDF format. We will also continue the current practice of making data available in browsable format and as downloadable spreadsheets.

Replication Datasets

A list of current Replication Datasets can be found here.

Equinox-2020 Dataset

Our Equinox-2020 Dataset is displayed on its own website where you can browse and explore the published Seshat data. You can also download the data in Equinox-2020 as a spreadsheet here. The full Codebook containing all our variables (including those on which the work continues, which are not yet ready for release) can be found in the Methods section of the website.

seshat enters data